This postcard for Covenant Towers in Myrtle Beach, SC was created for a colleague at Coldwell Banker Chicora Real Estate. The community is a 55+ retirement community featuring beautiful grounds, full amenities and a wonderful location. The design choices followed the already established branding of the community but also focused on testimonials of existing residents. [...]
Buy Your Boat a Dream Home
admin2014-09-08T18:03:07-07:00This postcard design was targeted specifically for high income families who were boat owners. It was a preview ($500K+) property one of our associates was listing and the focal point was the location. The main attraction was the private dock & boat landing, so the sales associate wanted to focus on that in the [...]
admin2022-11-03T10:39:05-07:00This sales associate wanted to say thank you to her past clients with the ope of generating new referrals. She was open for a creative approach for this piece, so I developed the "chocolate" concept. The color scheme, visuals and strong messaging, effectively achieved her goal to say thank you, while playing to multiple senses [...]
Peace of Mind
admin2022-11-03T10:39:05-07:00This sales associate offered a service for her out of area clients that she would continually monitor their property. Occasional visits would assure the owners that the thermostat was properly set, the surrounded area was secure and just to keep an eye on an unoccupied property. To convey her message she wanted to farm out [...]
There is More Campaign
admin2022-11-03T10:39:05-07:00A sales associate with Coldwell Banker Chicora Real Estate wanted to develop a new postcard design. After talking with her about her goals and what direction to take, I began brainstorming the concept. This a series of two postcards, with a common look and messaging. Each one begins with "There is more to..." The concept [...]